Leaders MUST ensure learning

     Leaders MUST ensure that learning events include experiences that shape the right beliefs and build individual behaviors for maturity. Members and leaders talk about their own mistakes, insights they've gained, and their own quest for knowledge through lessons learned. Leaders advocate for sharing knowledge while empowering others through coaching them to build competencies and confidence through hands-on experience. Leaders’ beliefs and actions cascade through the organization, making it much easier for the talent to be developed while behaviors are being emulated.   Engagement of employees plays a vital role in creating a positive culture of shared knowledge through their willingness to share knowledge as well as provide meaningful and constructive feedback to their peers. They'll actively contribute to an environment where it's safe to take risks and make mistakes, by encouraging others through setbacks. 


     Changing behavior requires an accelerated process of learning which is a crucial component in creating a framework to enable people to act in new ways and to see, feel and appreciate the results obtained from new ways of working.  It is through this experience that for most people, learning occurs best.  The learning process itself will need to be structured to enable the desired positive and sustainable changes of behavior.  This is an important responsibility of leaders and the process must be designed to consider the desired results as well as the unique characteristics of the organization’s culture and the individuals involved. Communication is a major portion of developing a clear understanding of the need for change on an individual basis; individuals must acknowledge that a change is necessary.