Transformation is about leadership, leadership is about relational influence, influence is about exceptional communications

Exceptional communications must break traditional models that hoard information, feeds the status quo while protecting the command and control structure so that only the upper levels of management know what is happening in the business. Leaders in effective organizations break through the functional aspects and collectively develop a system-wide view of the transformation. This provides full alignment and integration across and up/down the organization for a cohesive leadership approach.

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Communications must create complete understanding for every one of where they fit into the new organization

Leaders MUST grasp the fact that before people will accept change, they must first become aware and fully understand what is to be accomplished and then be convinced of the need for it. They must be given the facts about the situation facing the organization, the level of improvements needed to become competitive again and the new organizational standards expected. Communications must have substance and meaningful information; it cannot be a simple playbook handed out for all to use.

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