Organizational Culture Evolution Assessment Navigator

There are 11 keys to a successful “organizatonal change methodology”:

  1.  Must be easy for all staff at all levels to apply
  2.  There must be a visible practical personal benefit to the outcome
  3.  It must support individuals to find greater facets of who they can become
  4.  It must easily and neutrally create awareness’s that support a greater understanding of other’s actions and processes
  5.  It must connect personal success with organizational success
  6.  It must have built in “application” and reinforcement mechanisms to perpetuate its implementation
  7.  It must be able to provide fast, visible results
  8.  It must not try to “change” people, but rather, Enhance them.
  9.  It should provide practical tools to measure and connect everyone that support awareness
  10.  There need to be clear parameters of what to do to achieve the Ideal Work environment objective
  11.  It must contain and reference predefined communication