Transformative Daily Leadership Behaviors

Get the culture to work for you by fostering the beliefs
you need people to hold and the actions
you need them to take

Leaders must create the needed culture

  • Current culture provides current performance results
  • Current culture will NOT equal new desired performance results
  • Only a new culture can provide new performance results

The SEEO Model© (Sources, Enablers, Execution, Outcomes, Figure 3) for transformation hinges upon leadership.  Leadership that is relationally based coupled with the overwhelming consensus that transformation must happen through unleashed potential and shaped behaviors of the human value stream. 

The SEEO Model© provides a disciplined approach to engage members in overcoming traditional barriers to transformation by:

  • educating people about the change process
  • mobilizing the organization around the initiative
  • extending leadership’s commitment to maintaining people’s attention
  • using a proven implementation structure which leverages appropriate organizational levels and functions
  • identifying the positive desired impacts of the change such as expected behaviors
  • creating a “can do” environment within an existing organization
  • balancing the content “solution” with a proven implementation process
  • keep communicating the WHY, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, and HOW