Capable individuals are the foundation for success

     Effective leadership practices MUST be shared across the organization for adaption in a cohesive and consistent manner. Leadership development activities must change the context within which leading takes place as teachable moments that break old mindsets and shape individual leaders.  While capable individuals are the foundation for success, organizations require coordinated action to improve overall effectiveness.  One aspect for effective organizations is the creation of structured leader standard behaviors, standard in that:

  • the behaviors are defined
  • the behaviors are set as expected and desired
  • all leaders are expected to conduct their daily activities founded in the standard behaviors
  • for each leader, a development pathway is designed (unique to them) and maturity in desired behaviors tracked
  • each leader is coached through the cycle of leader behavior maturity

Effective leaders understand that beliefs drive people’s actions

     Leader standard behaviors then enable:

  • the alignment of leaders to the overall organization’s behavior needs – the foundation of culture
  • behavioral maturity to grow as the organization moves towards the new desired culture
  • a high level of organizational effectiveness
  • a high level of exceptional performance
  • a high level of cultural clarity

New leadership behaviors require a role model…this model is YOU