Collective Behavior and Actions of Leaders

The key attributes of the desired culture of organizational effectiveness are created by leaders through the way in which they lead by a set of principles that are reinforced through the collective behavior and actions of other leaders.

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Leaders Recognize that they are Accountable

Effective organizations have a different view of the leader. Leaders are open, real, approachable and accountable to others. They are not higher than others due to their position, in fact, the position speaks to responsibility, not hierarchy.

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Leaders Create Clarity

The greatest transformation plan won't succeed unless it's properly communicated. When leaders want to change a culture, and in particular, create a culture that thrives on change, they need to communicate in a clear, consistent, and transparent way.

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Vision and Mission Become the Criteria of Consistency

The organization's vision and mission set direction with an effect on the type of culture the organization is going to have.

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Effective leaders successfully tie principles to individual members' daily work

Leaders must define a transformation built around a guiding set of principles that every member of the organization can relate to. These may seem common, yet they provide clarity around vital relationship interactions and offer a way to communicate to the organization the desired leadership approach, beliefs, experiences, and behaviors.

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Great leaders evoke the emotions of those they lead

Leaders cannot treat themselves differently from other people in the organization, effective leaders know when to let others lead, even if doing so puts the member out of their comfort zone. Great leaders evoke the emotions of those they lead and use the command of emotions to make it all about the team members not about themselves. T

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Building a culture of organizational effectiveness

A leader must understand how to build a culture of organizational effectiveness and their responsibilities for making it happen.

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Leaders MUST use clear frequent communication to establish desired behaviors

Effective organizations are clear about where they are going, and leaders use clear frequent communication to establish desired behaviors that create clarity of where the organization is headed.

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Effective organizations know that the vision of an organization does not belong to a single leader

Vital to this vision of organizational effectiveness is the recognition that this is more than a simple implementation of various techniques; it is about transforming the organizational culture by leading the human value stream. With this understanding and a firm appreciation of the scope of the transformation, leadership can begin to articulate the message through various communication methods that are meaningful to each team member.

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The leader lives the vision him/herself on a minute-by-minute basis

If the leadership is asking everyone to engage in change that creates stress, the establishment of a clear and consistent vision of what the future will be aid greatly in employee’s ability to understand why and how through the transformation.

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Leaders are open, real, approachable and accountable to others

Leaders recognize that they are accountable to others and not just those who are over them. Relationship, authenticity, teachable moments, open communications, consistency all foster the environment that is free from fear due to trust. Effective organizations refuse to cut corners on the truth.

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Transform mindsets within the organization

Leadership enables others through encouraging, equipping, enabling, empowering and engaging. Leaders do not neglect to take appropriate action, in fact, they have a bias for action.

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