Leaders MUST use clear frequent communication to establish desired behaviors

     Effective leaders MUST be future-oriented.  They look ahead to envision what could be and should be. The leaders recognize that they serve as partners with other leaders throughout the organization who also are looking ahead to the future. The organization shares its vision openly with the goal of creating a shared vision with all employees.   Effective organizations are clear about where they are going, and leaders use clear frequent communication to establish desired behaviors that create clarity of where the organization is headed.  As the leader of the journey of transformation to organizational effectiveness, the following behavioral actions are required:

  • Establishing organizational clarity behaviors tied to principles, purpose, mission, and vision coupled with “why” transformation is necessary
  • Exemplify cohesive and consistent behaviors amongst the collective leadership team
  • Embracing exceptional communications constantly
  • Aligning all daily behaviors and actions to the transformation plan
  • Ensuring that knowledge is shared across functions as well as all levels of the organization
  • Promoting critical thinking by all individuals
  • Seeking continual learning through coaching, mentoring and training for hands-on experience.


Courage is contagious, fear limits a leader


     As a leader, creating this desired culture built on organizational effectiveness is achievable only through the human value stream who when engage effectively brings the organization out of the dysfunctional ineffectiveness.