Leaders are open, real, approachable and accountable to others

     Leaders MUST understand that processing change requires a conversation with individuals comprised of both talking and listening.  Leaders listen to the team for key information and insights about their frustrations, worries, and doubts so as to lead them through the change process. Listening during change is important for the following reasons:

  • It helps leaders understand how the team is experiencing the change by taking time to listen to their point of view
  • It helps leaders to get feedback and find out about the problems before they escalate
  • It facilitates processing. During change, it's important to have listening sessions as leaders pay deep attention for understanding. Practice silence and give time for others to talk. As a leader, it's essential to go beyond listening and actually hear what individuals mean
  • Summarize for an understanding of what the other person is saying and then repeat it back to them as a question so they can correct any misinterpretations.

While there are lots of books on speaking,

there are far fewer books on listening


     Leaders are open, real, approachable and accountable to others.  They are not higher than others due to their position, in fact, the position speaks to responsibility, not hierarchy.   As leaders work with people within organizations, they serve them by displaying the qualities of authenticity. Leaders must resist the tendency to protect themselves at all cost when they make mistakes, they admit them. 

Success in forging alliances can be attributed to understanding human nature.  Plain common sense, kindly disposition, 

straightforward purpose and shrewd perception of the ins and outs of human nature enable leaders to master difficult 


     Leaders recognize that they are accountable to others and not just those who are over them.  Relationship, authenticity, teachable moments, open communications, consistency all foster the environment that is free from fear due to trust.  Effective organizations refuse to cut corners on the truth.  When they make a promise, they do everything possible to fulfill it.  People learn that they can trust what is said and that in this organization the actions fit the words.