Leaders are open, real, approachable and accountable to others

Leaders recognize that they are accountable to others and not just those who are over them. Relationship, authenticity, teachable moments, open communications, consistency all foster the environment that is free from fear due to trust. Effective organizations refuse to cut corners on the truth.

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Transform mindsets within the organization

Leadership enables others through encouraging, equipping, enabling, empowering and engaging. Leaders do not neglect to take appropriate action, in fact, they have a bias for action.

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Leaders eliminate distractions and keep the team focused

Side projects, interesting new ideas, and the crisis of the day can divert resources from key activities. In isolation, pursuing these small ideas might make sense, but when put in the broader context of the entire organization’s transformation plan, leaders get to see exactly how non-essential these distractions are.

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As a leader, you must foster an open mindset coupled with an independent quest for knowledge

As a leader, you must foster an open mindset coupled with an independent quest for knowledge.

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The critical thinking process differentiates leaders

The critical thinking process is what's going to differentiate leaders and the solutions developed versus rushing off without any thought at all.

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