Effective leadership development is a must

Effective leadership development is a must in the transformation to organizational effectiveness and includes:

  • knowing what good performance looks like and being able to define it in practical terms
  • learning to have conversations about things that are working and the difficult conversations about things that are not
  • developing a sense of self-awareness
  • creating a team that supplements members’ strengths and weaknesses
  • leaders should know what motivates their employees and support them with specific rewards and feedback that is customized to the individuals
  • focusing instead on practical, deliverable and achievable tasks

     Learning agility is the key to being able to adapt to change on both a personal and organizational level.  Learning agility is described as the ability and the willingness to learn, largely from experimenting and seeking out new experiences.  Adaptability is being able to take those learning experiences and apply them to challenges that you haven't encountered before.  Taken together, this is the kind of growth mindset that creates a culture of change. 70% of an individual’s development involves working on challenging assignments or projects, 20% is related to developmental relationships like coaching or mentoring, and 10% of learning consists of various kinds of training programs.

     Leaders must model the behaviors they want to see in an organization. If they say one thing and do another, they will have little credibility. But if they walk the talk, people will respect them. When people have the proper incentives, financial or otherwise, to change their behaviors and ultimately their related beliefs, they will either embrace the transformation or they will leave. Either way, the organization will be left with people who are engaged in the culture.