Leaders MUST ensure that critical thinking

Critical thinking is a purposeful and organized mental process that is used to understand the whole organizational system or a specific process as a whole; meaning the full upstream, stream, downstream as well as feeder sources.

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The critical thinking process differentiates leaders

The critical thinking process is what's going to differentiate leaders and the solutions developed versus rushing off without any thought at all.

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Examine a concept from as many angles as possible

Leaders MUST shape the learning of others through experiences that reinforce desired behaviors and actions to prevent wasted effort. Leaders help members identify and avoid prior pitfalls while engaging some of the previously involved members to help challenge the thinking.

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People are at the heart of an organization's culture

Leaders MUST understand that people are the most important element of cultural transformation. People are at the heart of an organization's culture. If you want to change a culture or move it in a different direction, you have to win the hearts and minds of people, especially the right people; ones who recognized that the organization needs to move in a new direction.

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The leader MUST coach and guide people

The leader keeps in touch with people through systematic habitual shop-floor visits, regular one to one and small group communication, follow up and confirmation of the process. While maintaining this close contact, the leader will coach and guide people by involvement in the process and problems – go see, be present with those doing the work. This “go see” provides the opportunity to model new beliefs and actions. This is followed by giving each individual the environment for innovation, risk-taking, and engagement which is risk-free/fear-free; thereby the new experience which encourages people to challenge and be creative in their efforts to improve the process while being accountability for behaviors, skills, and actions.

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Leaders MUST Attack the Process, Not the Person

As a whole, individuals do not come to work with the intent to fail or to create failure. Each individual has the desire to be part of something bigger than themself, part of building something of excellence and a community of peers with a “cause”.

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A Leader MUST Be Present

Be present with them; make them the center of attention, your only focus with active listening coupled with empathy. Focus on how to lift their strengths and their diversity to build a cohesive team covering weaknesses.

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Over-communicate by actively listening and being present

Know that the organization is about building relationships and community. Create alignment to a common purpose so as to create awareness and understanding of why the strategy is matters and how staff or key to the strategy deployment and execution process.

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Leaders Model the Desired Behaviors

Model the standard behaviors and actions so that everyone is clear as to what the normal condition is versus abnormal.

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Leaders lift others to have the courage to be creative in their efforts

Leaders lift others to have the courage to be creative in their efforts – continually challenging the current way. Status quo, mediocrity, tried and true, compliancy, and all traditional thinking paradigms must be faced, disturbed and challenged through insight and foresight.

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Take the people and organization beyond the limits of management to leadership.

See people not as they are today but as their potential, encourage, teach, and lift to their full potential. Take the people and organization beyond the limits of management to leadership. Leadership is not about controlling people but serving and caring for people.

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Be prepared to demonstrate what you expect others to do

Be prepared to demonstrate what you expect others to do. Ensure your actions and words reflect the principles and the journey of the organization. Lead by modeling behavior and actions. Lead by creating the desired experiences, walk the talk. Practice “go and see”.

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