Take the people and organization beyond the limits of management to leadership.

Lift and grow others:

  1. See people not as they are today but as their potential, encourage, teach, and lift to their full
  2. Learn how to create value, develop, grow, build others
  3. Take the people and organization beyond the limits of the science of management to enlightened leadership
  4. Not about controlling people, but serving and caring for people
  5. Not about being the boss, it is about being present, listening, relationship and community
  6. Let go of functional silos, ego, and command and control
  7. Not about lighting a flame under individuals, it is about lighting the flame within individuals
  8. Requires love to all


     See people not as they are today but as their potential, encourage, teach, and lift to their full potential.  Take the people and organization beyond the limits of management to leadership.  Leadership is not about controlling people but serving and caring for people. Not about being the boss, it is about being present, listening, relationship and community. Learn how to create value, develop, grow, and build others.  Let go of functional silos, ego, and command and control.  Leadership requires love for all.