Leaders MUST Attack the Process, Not the Person


Process focused:

  • Attack processes, not people
  • Initiate to make “it” better than when you arrived
  • Apply a questioning approach – why, why, why?
  • Do not blame, ensure a deep understanding of the problem
  • If a mistake or problem has happened the process has allowed it.
  • Learn and understand why mistakes happen
  • Lead effective route cause analysis and countermeasure
  • Coach people to look for opportunities to improve the process
  • Go and See – get the fact at the point of cause

     Attack the process, not the person.  As a whole, individuals do not come to work with the intent to fail or to create failure.  Each individual has the desire to be part of something bigger than themself, part of building something of excellence and a community of peers with a “cause”.  Teach and encourage the application of a questioning approach – why, why, why?  To learn and understand why mistakes happen.  Again, this is not about blame and shame for faults, rather about seeking to ensure a deep understanding of the problem and how the process has allowed it.  As the experts within the processes, people desire to identify the root cause and provide solutions based upon their process expertise. This empowerment creates engagement and self-ownership to build standards and ensure normal exceptional operating conditions.